Interpreters Unlimited Midatlantic



Document Translation

In-Person Interpretation

Telephone Interpretation

Video Remote Interpretation

Sign Language Interpretation

Spanish Interpretation


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In-Person Interpretation

Our in-person interpreters come to your location to provide professional and accurate language interpretation. We offer both consecutive and simultaneous interpreter services.


At IU, we believe that having high quality language interpreters begins with hiring the right people. We have a thorough screening and training process that all new interpreters undergo to ensure that they are capable of providing the highest quality interpretation service. The Interpreters Unlimited network includes Sign Language interpreters that are certified by Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf (RID), The National Board of Certification for Medical Interpreters, or other state or national certification bodies.


We have experience in providing interpretation services in all types of scenarios and settings including:


•  Parent/teacher conferences

•  Conferences and seminars

•  Medical appointments

•  Depositions, arbitration, mediations and court hearings

•  Employee interviews

•  Religious functions

•  Classroom interpretations

Our Language Services

  Sign Language Interpretation,   Spanish Interpretation,   Document Translation,   In-Person Interpretation,   Telephone Interpretation,   Video Remote Interpretation,